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  • Details With special code [9021] get products in the Featured Products category for their special promotion price.

  • Details Buy 4 items for $50 from Purple Gizmo [GZ-5005], Rainbow Gizmo [GZ-1004], Round Gizmo [GZ-2644] or Square Gizmo [GZ-2002] limit 2 per customer

  • Details Buy 1 Big Gizmo [GZ-8544] or Massive Gizmo [GZ-7000] Get 1 Purple Gizmo [GZ-5005] At 50% off with promo code [9001] (must be associated with Party or Email), no limit

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Did you know?
  • The use of gizmos has been shown to have no negative effect on personal longetivity.
  • Gizmos are our most popular item.